Bakoel Koffie at Cikini Menteng Jakarta

April 20th, 2017. A simple review about Bakoel Koffie. Why simple? Since they didn’t allow me to take photos with my camera, I did some photos with my iphone. Pardon my photos, please. I read somewhere that they named it Bakoel Koffie to tribute a lady who sold coffee beans in a bakoel (basket). That’sContinue reading “Bakoel Koffie at Cikini Menteng Jakarta”

Djati Bistro & Drinkery at Oria Hotel Wahid Hasyim Menteng Jakarta

February 14th, 2017. I visited this place after I saw someone’s post about this. I forgot which one, but it looked so pretty in the post. And when I came to the place, it’s even prettier. Djati Bistro & Drinkery opened 2 years ago I think. Good thing I found this one. Located on secondContinue reading “Djati Bistro & Drinkery at Oria Hotel Wahid Hasyim Menteng Jakarta”