Tamper Coffee at The Breeze BSD City Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang

December 17th, 2017. I planned to go to Tamper Coffee since it was in the making. Well, when I came to Serpong area, it was definitely a must-visit place. It was raining hard when we arrived at The Breeze. But, we finally made it to Tamper Coffee. Located in front of The Breeze XXI building,Continue reading “Tamper Coffee at The Breeze BSD City Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang”

JARS – Coffee. Eatery. Life. at Gandaria Jakarta

October 25th, 2017. From online business to coffee shop. JARS – Coffee. Eatery. Life. amazed us by their hard works. 2 years ago, they were selling cold brew and banana pudding. Now, they have their own place. Located near Gandaria City, the place is easy to find. It’s like, “right there!” LOL. They have small parkingContinue reading “JARS – Coffee. Eatery. Life. at Gandaria Jakarta”