Folia Kitchen & Bar at Kuningan Setiabudi Jakarta

May 10th, 2018. Liat ini di timeline Hans, trus langsung stalking sekitar krn waktu itu belon ada info nama tempatnya. Eh ketemu. Ternyata itu Folia Kitchen & Bar. Iya, tingkat stalking gw udah tingkat dewa. LOL. Trus gak lama liat beberapa foodies kayanya invitation ke situ. Trus iseng gw ajak hubby ke sana, eh mau.Continue reading “Folia Kitchen & Bar at Kuningan Setiabudi Jakarta”

Six Ounces Coffee at Kelapa Gading Jakarta

May 2nd, 2017. Finally me and Cindy went to Kelapa Gading area. Cindy wanted to visit Six Ounces Coffee. So I kept her a company. I’ve been there before but they only opened for level 1. It’s one of the best coffee shops in Kelapa Gading area. The first time I went there, it wasContinue reading “Six Ounces Coffee at Kelapa Gading Jakarta”