Anco Coffee Roastery at Kuningan Jakarta

January 11th, 2019. Udah beberapa kali lewatin, tapi selalu pas naek mobil. Berhubung gak ada parkiran jadilah kaga sempet2 mampir ke sana. Sampai akhirnya gw berhasil nyamperin Anco Coffee Roastery. Iyak, gw ke sana naek taxi online jadi gak pake parkir2an dah. Oiya gw inget pernah dateng 1 kali tapi mereka lagi tutup. Ternyata merekaContinue reading “Anco Coffee Roastery at Kuningan Jakarta”

Kapyc Coffee and Roastery at Senopati Jakarta

November 15th, 2018. Dapet info dari #teammakanmulu area Depok, Ibu Aline Chandra *hihihi* kalo ada tempat baru di Senopati di area Taman Empu Sendok. Pas banget doi lewatin jadi keliatan gitu. Makanya, pas gw lagi ada waktu, mampir deh ke Kapyc Coffee and Roastery. Beneran masi baru buka banget pas ke sana. Waktu itu pasContinue reading “Kapyc Coffee and Roastery at Senopati Jakarta”

Honey Beans Coffee & Roastery at Pondok Indah Jakarta

June 29th, 2018. Udah tau tentang Honey Beans bahkan sejak belon bisa nemu nama IG-nya hahaha. Entah gw bisa tau dari mana. Yaowoh kadang aku heran. Mungkin insting saat itu ya, saat2 demen nyari tempat baru hahaha. Trus gak lama setelah mereka buka, Cindy kasi info kalo ada tempat baru buka di Pondok Indah.. “UdahContinue reading “Honey Beans Coffee & Roastery at Pondok Indah Jakarta”

Gerilya Coffee & Roastery at Cilandak Jakarta

June 30th, 2017. Still my 2 months ago review hahahaha. We stayed in Cilandak area, so we tried to visit places around the field. Then, I found this hidden gem. Gerilya Coffee & Roastery. It’s actually near the roadside of R.A. Kartini street. Very easy to find. Gerilya is a coffee shop with roastery inside.Continue reading “Gerilya Coffee & Roastery at Cilandak Jakarta”

Northsider Coffee Shop and Roastery at PIK Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta

June 24th, 2017. A nice friend told me about this new coffee shop. I was planning to go last week but I had another event, so I asked my hubby to take me there this morning. Love the ambiance of Northsider. It’s coffee shop and roastery. And very friendly people there. They have 2 levels.Continue reading “Northsider Coffee Shop and Roastery at PIK Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta”