Yakiniku Like at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta

April 30th, 2019. Japan’s first fast-food Yakiniku, Barbeque Yakiniku Like akhirnya buka di Jakarta, tepatnya di Grand Indonesia. Kebetulan banget gw ada acara nonton di GI, trus kepagian ke sana, akhirnya nyobain deh, kayanya baru hari kedua mereka buka waktu gw ke sana itu. Lupa lupa inget dah. Jadi sebetulnya adek gw yang info pasContinue reading “Yakiniku Like at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta”

Pizza Maru at Grand Indonesia East Mall Thamrin Jakarta

January 29th, 2019. Begitu balik dari Korea, baru tau ada resto pizza dari Korea mau buka di Grand Indonesia. Hmmm.. andaikan udah tau, gw pasti cobain di Korea-nya langsung hahaha. Trus pas Pizza Maru buka, gw liat di timeline banyak foodies udah diundang ke sana. Wah, asik bisa tau reviewnya deh nih. Dan bener aja,Continue reading “Pizza Maru at Grand Indonesia East Mall Thamrin Jakarta”

[MOVIE] The Returning – Kisah Tentang Jiwa yang Tak Seharusnya Kembali *spoiler alert*

Waktu liat Witra Asliga ngetwit filmmya yang terbaru dengan judul The Returning, gw langsung ikut ngerasa bangga *hadeh*. Gw bilang ke sekitar gw, “Ini loh karya temen gw.” Walau gw jarang ketemu Witra tapi kami masih berhubungan baik via social media. Tapi terus terang gw belon ngajak hubby nonton ini karena niatnya weekend ini baruContinue reading “[MOVIE] The Returning – Kisah Tentang Jiwa yang Tak Seharusnya Kembali *spoiler alert*”

Alfred at Seibu Dept Store Grand Indonesia Thamrin Jakarta

August 1st, 2018. Pertama liat ini waktu ke Seibu. Waaah mau ada tempat baru nih. Begitu udah buka, mampir donk, eeeeh ternyata full booked. Akhirnya gak jadi nyobain deh. Trus sempet ngobrol via chat gitu, dan dikasi info kalo better di weekdays, lebih sepi daripada weekend. Akhirnya di awal Agustus yang cerah, gw mampir lagiContinue reading “Alfred at Seibu Dept Store Grand Indonesia Thamrin Jakarta”

Osaka Ohsho at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta

December 6th, 2017. Iyak, gw ke Osaka Ohsho akhir taon kemaren. Kenapa gw baru bikin sekarang? Pelan2 ntar bakal gw kupas alasannya. Gw udah tau mereka buka pertama kali di Plaza Senayan. Tapi gw baru sempat mampir ke outlet kedua mereka di Grand Indonesia. Tempatnya gak terlalu besar. Lokasinya di West Mall lantai 3A. KeliatanContinue reading “Osaka Ohsho at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta”

Toby’s Estate at Seibu Department Store Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta

June 17th, 2018. Senang banget pas tau Toby’s Estate akhirnya buka di Grand Indonesia. Posisinya di dalam Seibu di lantai GF. Begitu sampe di lantai Seibu, langsung masuk aja ke dalam, terus ke bagian belakang, ntar ketemu deh. Yaaaaay. Masi sepi. Hihihi.. Menempati ruangan yang cukup besar, Toby’s selalu membuat gw senang dengan ambiance yangContinue reading “Toby’s Estate at Seibu Department Store Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta”

Tom Sushi at Grand Indonesia East Mall Thamrin Jakarta

November 18th, 2017. What an honour for me to host an event in a new restaurant in one of the prestigious malls in Jakarta. Wow. I couldn’t believe myself. Tom Sushi opened for public on Nov 21st. So, Nov 18th and 19th, only for bloggers and IGers. Yes, it’s different, for sure. Blogger have blog.Continue reading “Tom Sushi at Grand Indonesia East Mall Thamrin Jakarta”

Zenraku – Dashi Chazuke at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta

January 20th, 2018. Early December, I saw their announcement in front of the place that they will open soon. Last week, I got the invitation to go there. But, as usual, I totally forgot to reply the email, and totally forgot to come to their 1st day opening *sigh* When I saw that people postedContinue reading “Zenraku – Dashi Chazuke at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta”

Kokoro Mazesoba at Gandaria City Mall Jakarta

July 17th, 2017. I went to Kokoro Mazesoba soft opening on June 4th, 2017, at Grand Indonesia. It’s still soft opening, and the mural hasn’t finished yet. I didn’t take many photos there. So, when they opened the second branch in Gandaria City, I asked my brother to have lunch there. Kokoro Maze-soba literally translatesContinue reading “Kokoro Mazesoba at Gandaria City Mall Jakarta”

Greyhound Café Indonesia at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta

September 12th, 2017. Finally Greyhound Café open for public. So before everybody come to the place, I have to be there first. LOL. Well, actually I had to be at Kelapa Gading area this morning with Tasya *waving to the beautiful gal* but the night before I had some breakdown because I drank coffee before lunch,Continue reading “Greyhound Café Indonesia at Grand Indonesia West Mall Thamrin Jakarta”

Lewis and Carroll Flower Market at Central Grand Indonesia Thamrin Jakarta

June 12th, 2017. I knew about Lewis and Carroll new outlet from @eatandtreats 🙂 They opened at Central Department Store in Grand Indonesia East Mall. Collaborated with Summer Petals by Atelier Fleuri, they called the place: Lewis and Carroll Flower Market. It was very beautiful. I couldn’t stop taking photos. Lewis and Carroll’s first outletContinue reading “Lewis and Carroll Flower Market at Central Grand Indonesia Thamrin Jakarta”

La Maison Patisserie at Grand Indonesia East Mall Thamrin Jakarta

January 19th, 2017. I heard about this place some times ago. They said it’s the best macaron place in Medan. Now, we don’t have to go to Medan to find this one. They opened their first store in Jakarta. And I had the privilege to come with my best friend. I present to you. LaContinue reading “La Maison Patisserie at Grand Indonesia East Mall Thamrin Jakarta”