Pantjoran Tea House at Glodok Pinangsia Jakarta

April 12th, 2017. I saw about this place from IG account. The area is very familiar. My parents always came to Pancoran to buy medicines, had breakfast with us, bought everything for Chinese tradition etc. So when I found out about this place, I was very happy to be back to my childhood’s area. Pantjoran Tea House.


Located on the sharp corner, in a hustle road of Pancoran Raya, standing majestically with pride, after took over Apotheek Chung Hwa as a part of the revitalization of Jakarta Old City by Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp (JOTRC). In front of the place, they serve Patekoan. 8 pots of tea with mugs, served free of charge for those who passing by. It was a traditional habit from Kapitein Gan Djie and his wife in 1663. When I walked into the place, I felt like I was in China. The decorations, the furnitures, even the smell of it. Reminded me of my aunt’s hause in China. 🙂 Miss them so much. Well, without further ado, let me show you around through my simpe review.

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Sencha 30k

With 11 types of affordable premium teas from Chinese, Japanese, English, and Indonesian Tea, we chose Sencha. Actually, Cindy chose it for us. I wanted to drink Chinese Tea, but it’s not available at the time. But Sencha Tea is really good. Greenish golden color, with a refreshing aroma and a good balance between astringency and sweetness. It’s a very good tea.

Sencha is a type of Japanese ryokucha which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot water. It is the most popular tea in Japan.

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Vegetable & Minced Chicken Spring Roll 28k

We’ve already had our big breakfast. So, we chose to order snack or light meal here. A spring roll is a must-order one. Spring roll is always good for snacking. Not too heavy and not too light. And the most important thing, not too oily. Just perfect for us. 4 not-too-hungry people in a tea house. LOL.


Fried Beancurd with Spices 25k

This was Aline’s order. But, who could reject a fried beancurd? Well, not me. Fried beancurd is always an option if you want to eat fritter for snack. Fried beancurd, fried banana, fried tempeh, yeah that kind of fritter, if you know what I mean. But, this fried beancurd was totally different from that fritter. It’s more delicious, more texture, and more spices. Next time I wanna try their other food. I heard that their Prawn with Salted Egg is one the best. *wink wink*

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Recommended place for you who love to drink tea in a place with traditional ambiance. Welcome, Pantjoran Tea House. Keep writing heartwarming story.

Pantjoran Tea House
Jl. Pancoran Raya No.4-6
Glodok, Pinangsia
Phone: +62 21 6905904
IG: @pantjoran_tea

Published by yennymakanmulu

great wife for my hubby, always mommy and daddy's little girl, a naughty sister, a caring friend, cute auntie for my nieces and nephews, lovable daughter-in-law