Escalator Coffeehouse Office Park Rasuna Epicentrum Jakarta

February 25th, 2015. I walked around my apartment area, and found a new place. It’s called Escalator Coffeehouse. I walk in and find myself sitting in one of their corner, ordering some food and drinks, and actually, enjoying my me-time today. Located in Rasuna Office Park, this cafe opened 4 months ago. The friendly staffsContinue reading “Escalator Coffeehouse Office Park Rasuna Epicentrum Jakarta”

Bakmi Yong Yam Singkawang Mangga Besar Jakarta

February 15th, 2015. I went to Mangga Besar area with hubby and his mom. Actually, his mom wanted to buy layer cake for Chinese New Year. So, we took her to traditional market in dwiwarna street. While waiting for her, we sat in a noodle house called Bakmi Yong Yam (Singkawang, 1928). It’s located exactlyContinue reading “Bakmi Yong Yam Singkawang Mangga Besar Jakarta”

The Holy Crab Petitenget Bali

January 9th, 2015. I was invited to The Holy Crab for new information. Btw, you can see my previous review about this place Just click here. So, what’s the news? Yes. Holy Crab is swimming to Bali. Yaaaay.. And this gathering was for introducing their new menus. It’s a new “dessert.” LOL. The Holy Crab introducedContinue reading “The Holy Crab Petitenget Bali”

El Asador Kemang Jakarta

December 6th, 2014. Lunch time with friends. First, we planned to go to Gandaria area but the traffic was so crowded. So, we cancelled the plan, and walked along Kemang Raya street. And there it was.. El Asador. Located at Kemang Point Building, it’s very eye-catching. Home to the South American authentic “parillas” or barbequed meatsContinue reading “El Asador Kemang Jakarta”

Lobbyn Kitchen and Bar Fave Hotel Kemang Jakarta

November 27th, 2014. I went to Kemang Area for some thing. Then as usual my best buddies asked me to arrange a meeting. Fun meeting, of course. I remember a couple days ago I read about a place called Lobbyn in Fave Hotel. So, why don’t we try the place? I invited them to comeContinue reading “Lobbyn Kitchen and Bar Fave Hotel Kemang Jakarta”

Casadina Kitchen and Bakery Rasuna Epicentrum Kuningan Jakarta

January 16th, 2015. I went to Casadina. Located near my apartment, I heard about this place a couple months ago. And I thought, “I have to go there, soon.” And voila, I was there. The place was like a hidden gem in the city. It’s very near my place, but I never had chance toContinue reading “Casadina Kitchen and Bakery Rasuna Epicentrum Kuningan Jakarta”