JJ Royal Brasserie Lotte Shopping Avenue Ciputra World Jakarta

October 3rd, 2013. Hans, Aline, Octa and I decided to try a new place in town. Like usual, if we go for lunch in weekdays, Soya couldn’t come. I hope soon he will work in a company that is closer to us hahaha so he can have lunch with us whenever we want 😀 Hihihi

JJ Royal Brasserie. Located in Lotte Shopping Avenue. Just opened September 16th, 2013. Actually Hans was the one who wanna try and asked us to join him. Yaaaaaaaay. Thanks buddy. Thanks for introducing us to a very nice place to eat. Their food, desserts and beverages were delicious.

When you walked into the brasserie, they had this ambiance that will make you feel like in some royal palace. You will like the exotic feeling once you sit in the place. The people were also very lovely and served you very well. You won’t be disappointed.


I saw the menu and I loved it. The menu was very pretty and unique. Their icon were pretty royal lady with many costumes. You can see all around the place. Pretty royal ladies are everywhere.

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They decorated every table with rose. I love roses!!! I can’t resist roses. Roses are my weakness hahahaha.. My heart melts every time I see roses. And their rose was very pretty and beautiful. OK! Stop talking about roses hahahaha


Lunch Set Menu consists of Starter, Main Course, Dessert and JJ Royal Coffee 120k++

Weekdays – From 12 noon until 3 pm

Starter Collection

Home-Style BBQ Chicken Wings 50k

Deep-fried BBQ chicken wings. This is the most delicious chicken wings I’ve ever had. It’s true. I had tried others, but this is definitely the best, so far.. The bbq sauce was so generous. You could taste the sweetness all over it.. It’s so tasteful.


Chunky Salsa, Guacamole & Crispy Tortilla Chips 50k

Fresh Mexican tomato salsa, mashed avocado and spices, homemade salted tortilla chips. I never like guacamole because it contains avocado. And I never like avocado. But, surprisingly, I liked this one. The guacamole was so yummy.


Tender Chicken Fingers 40k

With honey mustard mayonnaise. I was so happy that I ordered this chicken fingers. They were yummy. They were tender yet very crispy. The mayonnaise was amazing.


Crunchy Tiger Prawns 65k

With sweet chilli yoghurt sauce. The tiger prawn was so fresh. Crunchy and juicy. A taste you couldn’t resist. The sauce was great too. No complaint.


Main Course Selection

Linguine Aglio Olio 85k

Pine nuts, crunchy ebi, garlic, chili flakes, fresh olives, chopped parsley. I thought this one was spaghetti. But it was using linguine instead. Linguine is wider than spaghetti, but not as wide as fettuccine. The taste was unique. They used ebi and prawn for this menu. Delish.


English Fish and Chips 75k

Deep fried battered fresh cod, pommes frites, tartar sauce. First I thought they used Dory fish, but it turned out that they used cod fish. The texture was so tender and tasty. The tartar sauce was great. This fish and chips was really nice. Satisfying.


Nasi Goreng Special 75k

Long grain rice, fried chicken, chicken satay, fried egg, beef floss, cucumber, tomato. I didn’t expect too much for this fried rice, but it was very delicious. A little bit spicy but so yummy. The egg was similar as my expectation. The chicken satay was tender. Everything was perfect with this fried rice.


Traditional Indonesian Oxtail Soup 99k

Oxtail soup, long grain rice, thin emping crackers, pickles and condiments. (fried oxtail upon request) The oxtail was so tender. The soup was tasty. I really liked it. The flavour was perfect. Recommended.


Dessert Selection

Choice from Pastry selection. Satisfy your cravings with a pastry of your choice from our daily pastry selection. Ask our servers for assistance.

Razzle Dazzle Cronut 35k

The marriage between a buttery croissant and a sweet doughnut. Tell you the truth, I expected more from this cronut. But I didn’t find it incredible. Sorry to say, this is not my favorite. Although the raspberry was quite tempting.

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Black Velvet 35k

Chocolate sponge cake, cherry compote, vanilla mousseline. Cute appearance. The texture of the sponge cake was so moist. The cherry compote inside the cake was superb. Definitely recommended.

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Tarte Au Chocolat 40k

Pate brisee, hazelnut crispy, Valrhona manjari ganache. Actually, the appearance didn’t impress me. I thought, “Hmmm this one is so regular. I wonder how’s the taste.” After one bite, I thought, “Ohmaigatttt!! Melt in my mouth!!” Full of chocolate. Recommended for chocolate lovers.

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Big Red 40k

Raspberry marmalade, fresh raspberries, vanilla brûlée, almond macaron. Save the best for  last. Yup, this one is the best from all 4. Crunchy also tender, this big red really caught my heart in the first bite. A little bit sour, a little bit sweet. They all mixed together and created a perfect big red. Gorgeous in appearance, heaven in my mouth.

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JJ Royal Coffee

Cappuccino 30k

Espresso topped with milk froth. The bear was so cute. The taste? incredible. We met Head Barista of JJ Royal Brasserie, Ian (Gian Carlo) Consulta. He’s the genius behind the coffee bar hahaha.. He also captured Hans’ face then made it into art. Just see below 🙂 Cool, aight?

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Cafe Latte 30k

Espresso blended with hot, frothy milk. I cannot drink coffee, but the cafe latte was so tempting. So I drank half glass. And it was worth it. Délicieux!!

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Homemade Ice Tea with Lychee Flavor 35k

Since I cannot drink coffee, I’ve ordered this ice lychee tea. So refreshing. Love it.


We also met Eric Guilbert, General Manager Hospitality Business there. He was so nice. We talked a little bit about his jaw-dropping experiences. Hihihi.. I definitely recommend this place to all of you. And that moment, I promised myself to take Soya to this place. I knew he will love it.

So, on 5th October 2013, after some foodtasting, we went to JJ Royal Brasserie again hahahaha.. Just the three of us, because Hans and Octa couldn’t make it. We tried other desserts and beverages because we’re already filled our tummy with meals. Ian was so happy to meet us again. I introduced Soya to him. And we talked a little bit more compared to the other day. He’s super nice 🙂

Now it’s time for me to show-off our desserts and beverages hahaha

Sweet Pomelo Longan 55k

Specially selected sweet pomelo and longan served in jars filled with sodawater and nostalgic red syrup. No more coffee for me, so I ordered from local fruit chillers section hihihi.. This was good. A little bit bitter taste from pomelo, mixed with the sweet taste from longan. Terrific!


Ice Cappuccino 30k

Espresso topped with cold milk froth. You will resist to drink this ice cappuccino because it’s too beautiful. Hahaha.. True. I just wanna stare at it and captured it in my eyes over and over again. Lovely.


Americano 28k

This black coffee from JJ Royal Brasserie had a very strong aroma. Always Soya’s favorite. 🙂


One, Two, Tea 35k

White chocolate mousse, manjari chantilly, matcha tea sponge. The name was so unique. It’s like counting 1,2,3 but change the 3 to Tea 🙂 The texture was really soft. The decorations was really cute too. Half-round white chocolate on top of it 🙂


The Smurf 35k

Blueberry flavoured cupcake, vanilla cheese frosting, bakers coconut. I love smurf! hahaha.. that’s why I targeted this cake when they gave us the options. Good thing we could choose 3 desserts hahahaha.. The Smurf was so cute. It’s delicious too. The blueberry, the frosting, the coconut. They mingled in your mouth like forever.


White Chocolate Boston Cream Cronut 35k

The marriage between a buttery croissant and sweet doughnut. First look and I knew right from the moment. I’m in love! They called it Boston Cream too, I guess. But I don’t care what they call it. I fell in love the moment I saw it. First bite and I knew that I will come back for it again and again and again. Crunchy and sweet. It was like wearing a silk dress. Sliding smoothly in your skin. Love it when the cronut doing the sliding in my mouth.

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I caught Eric’s attention and he came to our table. Good thing, he recognized us hahaha.. and suddenly he gave us complimentaries. OMG!

Berry Berry Good Sundae 75k

Ivory chocolate croissant pudding, almond crumble, berry fudge, seasonal berries, and vanilla ice cream. Eric recommended this one for us. And, once I tried this croissant pudding, my heart melted. It’s like bread and butter pudding, but much much much better!! Both my friends were like crazy too. They fought each other for this one. Hahaha.. I thought, OK let them enjoyed it, I will order it next time when I come back again, and I won’t share! Hihihihi.. just kidding. Actually, the sweet almond mixed with sour berries, made me startled. And, the hot pudding mixed with cold ice cream, made this one so perfect. Recommended!


Giant Valrhona Chocolate Soufflé 70k

Confectioner’s sugar, fresh raspberries, and vanilla ice cream. Eric brought the soufflé to our table in haste, because in minutes, the soufflé would be deflated. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb souffler which means “to blow up” or more loosely “puff up” — an apt description of what happens to this combination of custard and egg whites. So, we should taking pictures of it hurriedly. This is the best soufflé I’ve ever had. The soufflé was so soft and the vanilla ice cream was so delish. I ate the soufflé first, then the ice cream, and mixed it in my mouth, and it’s heaven! Very recommended.


I think this place will be my new favorite place to hang out with my best friends. They are very welcome and it is such a cozy place to eat meals or just desserts or only drinks. Please come at night, when they open the glass-wall. Superb!!

JJ Royal Brasserie
Lotte Shopping Avenue – Ciputra World
Jl. Professor Doktor Satrio No.5
Jakarta 12940
Thone. +6221 2988 8980
Facebook: JJ Royal Brasserie
Twitter: @JJRBrasserie

Published by yennymakanmulu

great wife for my hubby, always mommy and daddy's little girl, a naughty sister, a caring friend, cute auntie for my nieces and nephews, lovable daughter-in-law

2 thoughts on “JJ Royal Brasserie Lotte Shopping Avenue Ciputra World Jakarta

  1. Halo Ci Yenny (salam kenal yah ^^)
    Aku juga suka si JJ ini lho XP
    Kalau buat aku, tempat yg menakjubkan dan kayak wonderland
    Dengan berbagai macam dessert – dessert yg lucu2
    Harusnya mereka bikin menu bt tea time
    tp, kue2nya beda dr menunya.
    Mungkin aku harus nyaranin kalau ke sana..
    Really really a good place
    And your review makes me wanna go back there..
    *padahal aku baru pergi tadi lho*
    tapi, ga sabar pengen balik lagi ke sana
    Oh yah harusnya aku datang pas tanggal 16 september
    sama lho ultahnya kayak aku, siapa tahu dapet diskon XP

    Ah, maaf yah cici, padahal baru kenal, tp aku udah bawel
    nulis panjang lebar

    1. hi Selfi, salam kenal juga.
      hihihi gapapa, ci seneng kalo baca komen yg panjang2 kok 🙂
      iya, ci kalo ke LOVE maunya nongkrong di situ terus hahaha.. harus ditahan2 euy supaya gak ke situ. soalnya ntar gk nyobain tempat laen hihihihi
      thanks ya udah baca blog aku 😀
      wah iya tuh, siapa tau dpt cake ya pas ultahnya hahahaha
      nice to know you Selfi. sering2 maen ya ke sini hihihi

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